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eshh...aku xtau ap problem ko..byk bnd gle wt aku rase xbest je..1) fine aku pon suke nengok katon..x kesah a nk kumpol gmbo ke, wallpaper ke..cantek n kiut ni smpi hentai dorg pon ko nk jgk..dude, come on..da sonok2 nengok cite kiut2 kelaka2 gile2 best2, ko wt cmtu..what kind of sick fetish ko ni?? bleghhh...xlalu gle aku nk nengok katon bile tingtkn bnd ni...2)kalo bole appreciate cket effort org...aku kalo kua g pasa mlm dating bwk la balek pape cket sbb aku tau ko xd moto nk jejalan. n msti tingin jgk g pasa mlm sbb jarang ade kn. ni ble aku beli dan2 je kate xmau. aku xnk mkn. bullshit...x bebudi bhse lgsg..kate la jap g aku mkn ke, sedap cket tolak teros mcm tu...3) nape ko nk ikot org sgt..adam kate xnk g kelas ko pon, xpela, adam malas..eii..mase dpn ko kn..nk ikot adam wt pe??pstu ko nk g kelas x sbnonye?? pg da bgn awal bkn nk tolong kejot, men gem wt bodo,ble aku tjage aku tanye la. ko nk g kelas x??selambe je ckp k ox bgn, ingt ko xnk g...ape pnye bodo ni?? da bgn tolong la kejot..kalo kejot pon da tggl 5 menet bru nk kejot..ape sempat buat??g kelas x mandi la aku..kalo aku bgn awal aku kejot ko stgh jam tau saip..eeeee..aku tinggal jgk bdk ni..4) fine, aku stat nengok liverpool sbb teng yg ajak nengok game..awal2 mmg x layan da lame2 nengok team dorg maen best, fan lg best, lagu xyh ckp a...merdu gle...even that, it took me years to purchase my own jersey...n i do it with proud..ini x..bola pon x nengok, sport news pon x bace, nth team kenal nth x, tetibe beli jesi smpi tige, ad t shirt bajet wt treneng pdhl ajak g adang ad je alasan..poyo je ckp dulu slalu a maen, skg da malas..lancau..kalo org kaki sukan, ble d ajak msti turon jgk cket, at last pon senam la kt blek bg bgerak bdn, ni xd pn. pstu siap ad keychain liv lg kt enset....oii..geli beb..geli gle org xtau pape nk poyo2 mcm tu5) lg satu, kalo da dpt ape yg ko nk, mmg ko slalu x pedulik org laen kn..last time g blek semut amek cite, bole ckp x jmpe supernatural..pdhl tu la bnd 1st yg aku bukak. ko da dpt pc, tenet laju, mule la dnld yg bkn2, nth lagu pondan mane nth, aku nk belah ckp tggu jap, ape yg aku suroh amek x dpt jgk..aritu time kelas srp..tau la ko nk g kelas nk cepat, tp xkn x pasan fifi kt sblh ko tu x pandai buat, da siap awal bg la die pnjm buku sblm kelua, ko da x pakai x, aku wat soklan nk smpi kol 12 tu pon die x setel lg dtg kt aku..tolong jgk la..bullshit x pasan...aku yg dok row blkg gle pon bole nmpk mamat tu usha2 xtau buat soklan6) dulu poyo ckp aku x kesah tido mcm mane pon, cerah ke, ramai org ke...fine, aku mmg ad mslh cket, nk tito kne pasang cite, kalo senyap sgt xle tutop aphl nth tetibe die pon nk ikot jgk..da la pasang kuat2, cte pumpang pumpang gadoh2, xtau respek org ke??ei man...whats the matter with you???
hahahaha...teng2...ko same mcm bpk ko la...da la due2 suke gelak, suke bhn org pulak..akakakaka...kelaka beb...lg satu psamaan yg aku pasan..u know how u got your name???wakakakaak....lg la bestnk kate malang salah...nk kate kreatif bole jgk...bpk ko cite la kn...aku just story balek...kalo die tipu aku pon tipu latime mak ko ngandong anak 1st, bpk ko nk sgt name ali imran, tp x bgtau mak ko. so, dgn harapan nk selitkn jgk name ali imran tu, die suggest kt mak ko wt draw!!! wakakaka...mcm cabotan btuah la nk dkt 20 name dlm balang tu...cabot2 kua la name teng paan...akakaka...dude, a were 1/almost2o chances to end up with your brother's name...ahahahahaha...best2...ko pon same dgn bpk ko bg name suke2 je kn...ingt scout madman?? petik dr dictionary sambel tutop mate...thats genius....hehe
shit slow gle dlm ship yard...
sempat tdo sblm smpi opis
da la kt ujong sekali
ini bkn salah ejemmg nk ckp psl mom ponnot mums the wordwahahahahashes not a highly educatedi mean she can if ad rezekitp fmli x byk duetadek2 pon ramaishe give up her future for adek2 kecik dietp ble jmpe klasmet die(ad yg jd lect la, eng la, byk jgk la) sume ckp ruginye...u used to be among the best time skolauuuuuuuuuu....dont have to be a rocket scientistbut she still know her way around all we need to grow strong and healthy full of nutrientdie x ckp la ikot term2 science2 ni(da lupe la tu)tp ape yg perlu tu she knows them..hehehehethanks mom
im writing this in red
she likes red
but she looks a whole lot better in light pepel
sometimes people say ur life will turn around whn u met someone spcl
thts wht hppn to me
ini bkn post jiwang
x jiwang
just thinking out loud
nvr imagine how someone so small, looks so fragile, mmg x kuat pon da pompuan kn, can brings so much in my life
can supports me alone
dulu ye la dok asrama mmbe dkt byk sapot
ni da xd, im just depending on her
hoope i dont give her extra burden
tp tau, die mmg ikhlas nk tolong
rite enow im going tru a phase
feel like im getting a complete tune up
op kos mr pelik is not gone cuz she said thts wat spcl wlpn aku x tau tang mane yg spclnye, tp thts wat she wants, im kool
but a lot of small aspek to be rerouted utk jd lg better la die kate
its ok
malu jgk kdg2
die msti look sharp
xd la melaram
tp elok dpandang la
n ramai yg jeles
awek aku cun kot
tp aku ni yg well, agk selekeh kot
bese la laki
cukop pakai sudah
but naa...
pk balek kesain kt die
bwk malu je
nk kne tuka la cket
jd same elok
bru sepadan
nk kate ensem tu xla
mane bole nk tuka muke kn
tp pakai, ambot, perbuatan,
jage la cket
so, akeh, tnx so veri damn much
from the veri inch of my heart
u just make me a better person
well blom setel lg tp kte pelan2 la ye
pokai nih
tu lamcm tajoknye laotime liverpool klh ko dtg dgn segale geng ko, sengeh2 gelak2 kutok2 aku layankn jejgn kate time men bolatime mkn, jmpe tgh jln, aku x kesah jeni, time men yu kalah, aku bru sengeh2 kt ko sorg time men bola skali jemuke dh mcm gampangaku pgg bhu cket dh xnk lynnk di sound, dh mmbe namenyeemmm.........lantak kau lanaseb lakalo mcm ni nk idop dgn org, payah la
x rase mengganggu ke
dh a mlm
org dh bwk cket pnye slow kt len kiri pon ad jgk yg mengeko
dh a tu dkt gle
mcm sial.......
kalo stkt nk bwk slow sesame pon jaoh a cket
kg telanggo kg
ingt kjp je
ni mcm nk dkt half way plk tu
bwk kete pon smpt nk stalk org ke?????