Tuesday, April 14, 2009

is it???

whats with these probs
wet dh a nk abes
enset lk wt hal, ad hal yg menganjeng lk
mls a nk topup byk kali
mak ak msj pon dh byk kali x bls
clearly, do we really need repot every single things we do to parents?
man if its a must, its better to not have a handphone
its suppose an easy way to contact people, not a way to constantly disturb my life
ak x kesahnye nk tules pe dlm ni
bkn ak ad link blog ni ngn sesape pon
bak kate neesa
test a wt diari sndri
msti ad byk bnd yg ko nk tules
tp ak tau ak pnye tulisan cm shit
so, ak wt blog
sng sket
lg private melaenkn ad a hacker anjeng mane nk sgt bace
bole a kot
mmg a blog ni xd bnd2 best tok dibace
tp its whats on my mind, and its for me alone
ak mmg x suke nk pikir byk2 mslh ni
well, as they said, things will fix itself if we give it ample times
tp not everything works that way
ad bnd yg nk kne dikerjekan gk........

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